The Investor Mel & Dave Show
Real estate investing Top Canadian Investors, Investor Mel & Dave share tips, strategies, and action steps to becoming a successful Real Estate Investor. They focus on no money down strategies and no joint venture partners. They have an impressive portfolio of 240+ properties that they solely own which enabled them to quit their jobs in their 30s. Tune in weekly to start creating your own time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through real estate investing.
The Investor Mel & Dave Show
Master Flipper made $34,000 a month from a flipping project and flipped 19 properties in a year! - Real Deals Show
Hello, and welcome to the Real Deals Show! In this episode, Mel and Dave will be chatting with Vinod Krishnan. Vinod is an immigrant from India and joined our Action Family mentoring program in July 2020 - with no investment property of his own.
Within 3 weeks into the program, Vinod closed on his first duplex. One month after that, he closed on his second duplex!
After closing on these two buy-and-hold properties, Vinod decided to pivot… He became a flipper! He wanted to bring in immediate capital, and his initial goal was to flip 3 properties in one year... But why stop there? Vinod actually flipped 19 properties in less than one year!! That’s six times his goal!!!
One pointer for new aspiring flippers is: “Do not manipulate the numbers to make a deal work. It does not work that way. Go with the conservative numbers, and if it still works, perfect. Then it’s the right thing for you to do.”
Want to learn his other top 2 points for flippers? Then watch this show! Vinod will also do a breakdown of two of his deals!
If you want to connect with Vinod, contact him on Instagram @win_win_with_vinod.
If you want to grow your own portfolio, book a call now with one of our Wealth Advisors. www.iamreadytoinvest.com
If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the unique tips I share on our Instagram page so make sure to give me a follow. Username: Investor Mel & Dave (@investormeldave.) And if you’re interested in fast-forwarding your real estate growth, join our Action Family Mentoring Program and learn all the secrets of real estate investing. Including how to buy properties with other people's money, how to buy properties with no joint venture partners and other tricks to turn you into a real estate mogul. Learn more about our mentoring program by booking a call with one of our Wealth Advisors. www.iamreadytoinvest.com
For more real estate content, make sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel and hit the bell to be notified as we release a new video weekly. https://bit.ly/SubscribeToMelDave
If you want to learn about Real Estate Investing using none of your own money, you can check out our completely free Masterclass on Real Estate Investing with creative financing here. We show you how we purchased 12 properties in less than 12 months... WITH NO MONEY DOWN AND NO JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS so you can too! We are not just talking the talk here... we own 200+ units and we bought them using none of our own money and without joint venture partners. That means we keep 100% of the cash flow, appreciation, and equity!
I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Real Deals Show! Do you want to take action to create time freedom, location freedom and financial freedom just like the rest of our Action Takers? Then take the first step by joining our mentorship program! www.iamreadytoinvest.com to book a call.