The Investor Mel & Dave Show
Real estate investing Top Canadian Investors, Investor Mel & Dave share tips, strategies, and action steps to becoming a successful Real Estate Investor. They focus on no money down strategies and no joint venture partners. They have an impressive portfolio of 240+ properties that they solely own which enabled them to quit their jobs in their 30s. Tune in weekly to start creating your own time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through real estate investing.
The Investor Mel & Dave Show
Making your first million with creative financing! - The Real Deals Show
Hello, and welcome to the Real Deals Show! In this episode, Mel and I will be chatting with Dan. He’s been a realtor for 13 years and has been an active investor for five. He joined our Action Family™ Mentoring Program in April 2021, just right after he founded his company. Since then, they have completed various projects: a duplex conversion, several flips, and right now they are working on converting their first multi-unit building from a 5-plex into 8 units!! So great!
In this episode, he talks about his journey as a Real Estate Investor and he tells us how building a network has been so important for him: “All this comes from surrounding myself with the right people: Your network is your net worth!” Well said, Dan!
He also remarks on the importance of taking Action!: “There’s just never a right time... You just keep pushing, keep moving forward… I can’t believe this is gonna be our first 7-figure year!!”
How amazing is that!
What’s next for Dan? He wants to continue investing in more challenging projects with his company: they are hiring their first assistant so they can focus on expanding their portfolio with more apartment buildings and are even planning to invest in the US!
Thanks for taking the time to listen. If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the unique tips we share on our Instagram and TikTok, so make sure to give us a follow. Username: Investor Mel & Dave (@investormeldave.)
And if you’re interested in building your real estate portfolio and your network, just like Dan did, book a call with one of our Wealth Advisors to discuss how the Action Family™ Mentoring Program can help you achieve your goals. You’ll learn all the strategies including how to buy properties with other people's money and without joint venture partners as well as other crucial information like how to find deals, how to create win-win scenarios, property management, tax strategies, business structure and much more. Learn more about our mentoring program by booking a call now! https://www.iamreadytoinvest.com
If you want to learn about Real Estate Investing using none of your own money, you can check out our completely free Masterclass on Real Estate Investing with creative financing here. We show you how we purchased 12 multi-family properties in less than 12 months (56 units)... WITH NO MONEY DOWN AND NO JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS so you can too! We purchased over 240 units in Canada, the US, Mexico and Costa Rica. With our strategies… we keep 100% of the cash flow, appreciation, and equity! That’s how you create true generational wealth.
I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Investor Mel & Dave – Real Deals Show! Do you want to be an Action Taker? Take the first step by booking a one-on-one call to discuss how we can help you achieve your real estate goals at a faster pace than you ever thought possible! https://www.iamreadytoinvest.com
Thanks for stopping by! If you have any investing questions or want us to cover a specific topic, let us know in the comments section below. Chat soon!